Personal branding. Why and how to build it? | Univeristy of IASI Online Webinar 21/12, 13:00 (CET)

Personal branding. Why and how to build it? | Univeristy of IASI Online Webinar 21/12, 13:00 (CET)

Why is personal branding important for students and graduates? Simple principles about personal branding? Which are the instruments a student / graduate can use for developing own personal branding?

The aim of this activity is to offer an overall image on the importance of personal branding for students. Instruments and strategies, tips and tricks on how to develop the personal branding for a student will be presented.

Date and Time

December 21th, 2020, 13.00 (CET)

Link to connect:



Head of Students Services and Alumni Affairs (UAIC)


Head of Alumni and Labour Market Insertion (UAIC)

Addressed to: 

  • Teachers
  • Career Counsellors
  • Students


  • Transversal
  • Pedagogical Methods



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