Entrepreneurship and innovation experiences in higher education: "Entrepreneurial Talent Fair", “Idéalo project: entrepreneurial culture in youth", "TecnoEdu Awards for Educational Innovation 2020" | ULL Online Webinar 19/11, 17:45

Entrepreneurship and innovation experiences in higher education: "Entrepreneurial Talent Fair", “Idéalo project: entrepreneurial culture in youth", "TecnoEdu Awards for Educational Innovation 2020" | ULL Online Webinar 19/11, 17:45

The aim of this activity is to reflect on the importance of promoting entrepreneurship in the classroom from an increasingly digital environment. Good practices and tools related to entrepreneurship, teaching and digitalization will be shared in the session.

Date and Time

19 November 2020

5.45 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Link to connect:


The connection link to the virtual space that will be used for this activity will be sent to the registered people.


Inés Ruiz: Head of the DISA Foundation Chair for Young Entrepreneurs of the ULL

Addressed to: 

  • Teachers
  • Career Counsellors
  • Students


  • Transversal
  • Pedagogical Methods
  • Teaching Design


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