Entrepreneurship in the classroom: A tool for generating social change | ULL Online Webinar 19/11, 17:00 p.m.

Entrepreneurship in the classroom: A tool for generating social change | ULL Online Webinar 19/11, 17:00 p.m.

The aim of this activity is to reflect on the importance of promoting entrepreneurship in the classroom from an increasingly digital environment. Good practices and tools related to entrepreneurship, teaching and digitalization will be shared in the session.

Date and Time

19 November 2020

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Link to connect:


The connection link to the virtual space that will be used for this activity will be sent to the registered people.


José Manuel Pérez: Expert in entrepreneurship in the educational, social and business creation areas. Member of ASHOKA and Patron of CEPAIM. Promoter of the "Entrepreneur Training Chain" in the educational curricula of Spain and the world

Addressed to: 

  • Teachers
  • Career Counsellors
  • Students


  • Transversal
  • Pedagogical Methods
  • Teaching Design

The digitalization of teaching: A need that has come to stay | ULL Online Webinar 19/11, 16:00 p.m.

The digitalization of teaching: A need that has come to stay | ULL Online Webinar 19/11, 16:00 p.m.

The aim of this activity is to reflect on the importance of promoting entrepreneurship in the classroom from an increasingly digital environment. Good practices and tools related to entrepreneurship, teaching and digitalization will be shared in the session.

Date and Time

19 November 2020

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Link to connect:


The connection link to the virtual space that will be used for this activity will be sent to the registered people.


Manuel Area Moreira: Dr. in Pedagogy, Main Researcher of the Laboratory of Education and New Technologies, and the Head of the Chair of Technology and Education of Mapfre-Guanarteme of the University of La Laguna

Addressed to: 

  • Teachers
  • Career Counsellors
  • Students


  • Transversal
  • Pedagogical Methods
  • Teaching Design

How to enhance the entrepreneurial attitude in the classroom through digital media? | ULL Online Webinar 19/11, 18:00 p.m.

How to enhance the entrepreneurial attitude in the classroom through digital media? | ULL Online Webinar 19/11, 18:00 p.m.

The aim of this activity is to reflect on the importance of promoting entrepreneurship in the classroom from an increasingly digital environment. Good practices and tools related to entrepreneurship, teaching and digitalization will be shared in the session.

Date and Time

19 November 2020

6 p.m. – 6.45 p.m.

Link to connect:


The connection link to the virtual space that will be used for this activity will be sent to the registered people.


Natalia Rodríguez: Secondary teacher and pre-doctoral researcher in Education for Sustainability. Co-founder of ‘CAMBIUM, Sustainable accompaniment’

Addressed to: 

  • Teachers
  • Career Counsellors
  • Students


  • Transversal
  • Pedagogical Methods
  • Teaching Design

Inspiring Examples: Entrepreneurship and Fashion | ULL Online Webinar 6/11,10:00 a.m.

Inspiring Examples: Entrepreneurship and Fashion | ULL Online Webinar 6/11,10:00 a.m.

The objective of this activity is to share the experience of university former students in the development of their projects in order to serve as examples to inspire university students. Special interest will be put in debating the type of digital skills that have been needed for the success of these projects.


  • Entrepreneurship as professional development
  • Speaker: Carmen Inés Ruiz de La Rosa, Head of DISA Foundation Chair of Young Entrepreneurs of the University of La Laguna
  • Alouette Atelier: Reinventing the future
  • Speaker: Patricia Hernández, Public Works Technical Engineer, specialty in Hydrology, CEO of Alouette Atelier
  • PeakLand: Our symbol
  • Speaker: José Vigo Casais, Graduated in Business Administration and Management at the University of La Laguna, CEO of Peakland
  • Carmen Dauta: Designing high-quality jewelry
  • Speaker: Carmen Dauta, Degree in Pedagogy, Master in Protocol and Founder and creative director of the firm of Alta Bisutería Carmen Dauta
  • Canarian Aboriginal: Canarian culture
  • Speaker: Julián Callejas, Graduated in Business Administration and Management at the University of La Laguna and CEO of Canarian Aboriginal

Date and Time: 

November 6, 2020

10:00 – 11.30 a.m.

Link to connect: 


The connection link to the virtual space for this activity will be sent to the registered persons by email.


Carmen Inés Ruiz de La Rosa. Head of DISA Foundation Chair of Young Entrepreneurs of the University of La Laguna and Professor of Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance of the University of La Laguna Patricia Hernández. Public Works Technical Engineer, specialty in Hydrology, CEO of Alouette Atelier

José Vigo Casais. Graduated in Business Administration and Management at the University of La Laguna, CEO of Peakland

Carmen Dauta. Degree in Pedagogy, Master in Protocol and founder and creative director of the firm of Alta Bisutería Carmen Dauta

Julián Callejas. Graduated in Business Administration and Management at the University of La Laguna and CEO of Canarian Aboriginal

Addressed to: 

  • Teachers
  • Career Counsellors
  • Students


  • Transversal
  • Pedagogical Methods
  • Teaching Design


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